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Sunday, August 31, 2003

Countdown to Liftoff

Countdown to Liftoff
by Rebecca Smith I have done nothing but pack, move furniture, and sneeze all week (allergies). And yet, my work is never done. I helped my brother move to college, despite him resenting every moment of it (sisters are an embarassment and a hindrance to any significant social mobility at college). I totally reorganized my closet, or excuse bedroom, so it will accomodate human life forms as opposed to just dust and boxes and the overflow from TJ's closet. I helped my mom take up the old rugs and put down new ones.

And now, I have accomplished a miracle...I have made nearly my entire life fit into 2 bags....ok not really, just a portion of my wardrobe and some of my shoes and purses......What?!?!?!? I need it all, really!!! But I compromised and only packed a small portion, and will replenish by doing some shopping when I get there...tee hee. And, yes these 2 suitcases are probably WAY over the weight limit, but I am leaving the country for a thhhbbbbbpppppp!!!

I bought a digital camera. I think I scared my mom, because I was trying to convince myself that it was a worthwhile purchase and in doing so needed to talk to myself.....therefore appearing slightly off balance. But I assure you, I am perfectly sane, I just needed a pep talk for such an extravagant purchase that did not have a major label like LV or Gucci attached to it. And even when I make those purchases, they are often faux, and therefore much more inexpensive than my electronical purchase of late.

So anywho, I still have to do some laundry and finish packing, so I must jet otherwise, I will not be on the jet when it departs. I will write next from London. Cheers!!