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Friday, December 12, 2003

Apologies/Sneak Preview

Apologies/Sneak Preview

by Rebecca Smith

OK, so I sincerely apologize to all those of you who have been warming your hands by the glow of your computer monitor eagerly awaiting my next entry (since September). I have been excessively busy what with a full-time job, course work for my programme, travelling nearly every weekend, and the lack of internet access anywhere but work. Therefore, I have fobbed off my journal entries. I didn't realize I had such a following of interested parties until I received some vociferous feedback demanding reasons why I wasn't keeping up on my journal writing. Apparently, my fans are infuriated with my lax attitutde to journal writing. I must say, it is not so much a lax attitude as much as a lack of time. I am coming home for Christmas and will have sufficient time to catch up on my journal entries. In the mean time, whet your appetite with this little sneak preview of events gone by:

Clearvision Client Bash

England v. Turkey Football match


Leeds Castle

Suz's surprise party that wasn't so surprising



Events present:

Christmas markets in Koln, Germany

Events yet to come:


Family visits

Evelyn and Heidi (who knows a girl in my programme) visit

and much much more.

I promise to be much more diligent in my journal writing efforts. Please be patient with me, and see you all soon. Also, my dad is a gonna teach me how to optimize digi photos so that I can post more on my website in the future, I have a bunch that I will post as soon as I can figure out how to make them take up less space.