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Thursday, December 12, 2002

SAS Travelogue-End

SAS Travelogue-End
by Rebecca Smith

So this is it. I can not say hello in any foreign language, for this time it is goodbye. Although I will see you all very soon, I am leaving behind the world I have to come to know over the past few months. In any language, there are no words to adequately describe this experience. Yes, I have sent you anecdotes and annotated accounts of my experiences, but the spirit of Semester at Sea, of the people I have met, of the things I have seen and done, of the lessons I have learned, this spirit can not be summed up in perfunctory little journal entries. No photo can capture what I have been through, what I have survived and surmounted, what I have enjoyed and what I will cherish. Christmas is really important to me. It’s my favorite time of year. I have particular traditions that need to be carried out, and this year I was unable to do everything I usually do. I have spent the last two weeks in my cabin playing Free Cell, listening to Christmas music, crying and wishing I was home, off the ship, and that this was over. Now that the end is here, I still feel like crying, but for a different reason. I hope I never forget the life lessons I have learned or the people I have met. I am glad to be going home. I know I have changed, I have grown, I am not the same person I was when I left, but I am sure it is for the better. I have missed you all so much. I missed my 21st birthday, well I mean I had it, but there was no one to celebrate with and nothing to do. I missed Halloween and Thanksgiving. I was unable to compete in the Black Friday blood sport shopping. I haven’t been able to decorate my dorm room for the holidays or cook everyone a turkey and not eat it since I’m a vegetarian. I haven’t forced my roommates to listen to my endless supply of Christmas music, or have Festivus. No cookie baking. No Christmas party. Despite missing all of that, and all of you, I have no regrets, except maybe some of my purchases, did I really need 2 carved stone chess boards, they weigh a freaking ton. I relish every moment I have had on this ship and off, ok well not every moment, I did not like getting sea sick, or food sick, or getting ripped off, but other than that, every moment. It was amazing. They told me I would say that. That those would be the only words I could think of, and that I would feel so inadequate using them. They were right. So we arrived in Fort Lauderdale today, which by the way is a town I do not feel the need to return to, ever. I took a “cab” to my hotel and was shocked at what the cab driver expected me to pay. I told him I am a poor college student, and bargained with him. Apparently I have learned how to do that quite well, he told me I am a very smart girl. I fear I will be in for a huge shock any time I am involved in a commercial transaction for the next few weeks since I am used to paying very low amounts for things now. I hope I can get all my luggage on the plane. I just want to thank you all for reading my stories and encouraging me. I appreciate all your enthusiasm for my journal, and your interest in my experience here. I leave for Newark, NJ tomorrow. I miss my mommy...I miss my dad, and second-mom, my sister, my brother, and my lil’ boop. I miss my friends, and my extended family. I miss my room, and safe running water. I miss real pizza and regular television programming. I miss paying obscene and extortionate amounts of money for stupid things, oh wait, I did that on my trip, too. Anywho, I have missed home. I am glad to be returning. I’ll be home for Christmas, you can count on me. See you soon!!!!! Love YA!! XOXOXO, muah, kisses!!!


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